Kennedy Western University, Doctorate of Science, General Engineering | |||
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| Biomedical Engineering is a science that works with biology and medicine. As in all fields of engineering Biomedical engineers always strive to solve problems with increasingly new and better technology. Biomedical engineers design CT scanners and MRI machines. They work with corporations in the development of heart valves and pacemakers. They design orthopedic prostheses such as replacement hips and knees. | ||
of Science in General Engineering: Kennedy Western University The Bachelor of Science program in Business Administration at Kennedy-Western University offers students the basic practical considerations and applications of the discipline in topical areas chosen to enhance capabilities and improve career potential. Courses include Introduction to Business, Corporate Communications, Management Principles, Organization and Behavior, and Business and Economic Statistics. Editors Comments: There are many fields within biomedical engineering such as bioinstrumentation, which as it's name implies is the development of instruments and devices. Cellular, tissue and genetic engineering is working on a microscopic or cellular level to understand and cure disease processes. Those who would in this field would be involved in stem cell research. Clinical engineering is working within a hospital setting with responsibility for purchase and maintenance of sophisticated medical equipment. The job outlook for biomedical engineers is very bright. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that "the number of biomedical engineering jobs will increase by 31.4 percent through 2010, double the rate for all other jobs combined". Top Engineering
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